Brenna Marian Henning

Born April 20, 2006 at 10:42 pm 10 lbs. 3 oz. 22 inches

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Brenna's 2nd Birthday!

We celebrated my second birthday on saturday night April 19th.

We went to the Spaghetti Factory and had to wait for a table so we opened presents in the lobby ...

I got some very cute clothes, a purple watch from Grandpa, 

a pool from Auntie AnnMarie and a card that played music!

We were fortunate to have Aunt Christy in town to join us

I was all ready to celebrate with my balloon and hat...

I ordered cheesy spaghetti- my favorite- mom likes it too

After a while I decided I was a big girl and didn't need my bib for Spaghetti

Dad and Auntie AnnMarie had Spaghetti too.

Oh, how I LOVE spaghetti!

They lit up my ice cream at dessert time and everyone sang to me in the restaurant...

It was kind of embarrassing but I clapped at the end with everyone

The next day (my actual birthday) we went to the zoo

Later that evening we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner where I got a new tricycle!

Over all it was a great weekend and I enjoyed my second birthday just as much as the first.