Brenna Marian Henning

Born April 20, 2006 at 10:42 pm 10 lbs. 3 oz. 22 inches

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Christmas 06

We started the Christmas weekend with a fun party at Aunty AnnMarie's house...

It was very festive and we had a good time...

The reason for the party was to see the Christmas ships in Lake Union from Aunty's balcony- they are very colorful and fun to watch..

It was cold and we all bundled up and I fell asleep, despite the loud live Christmas music that the ships broadcast...

On Christmas Eve we went to Church and then went back to grandma and grandpa's house, where we woke up Christmas morning and gathered in the living room...

I played with my toys while we waited for everyone got ready...

We had some coffee and everyone went through the goodies in their stockings..

I got a very special doll named Joey that used to belong to daddy when he was little...

Some of my gifts were understandably mistaken as Lucy's....

Aunty AnnMarie helped me with my morning beverage ...

and I helped dad with one of his presents..

Grandma MaryAnn got a great gift of this big box from Grandpa Bob and she let me be the first to use it...

Later that week Cousin Susan came up from Portland and we celebrated again..

I would say, for my first christmas, I got the idea pretty quickly and had a very fun time.
Next year should be interesting!