Brenna Marian Henning

Born April 20, 2006 at 10:42 pm 10 lbs. 3 oz. 22 inches

Monday, December 18, 2006

zoo lights

Last night the whole family bundled up and went to the Zoo Lights at the Tacoma Zoo and Aquarium.

It was pretty cold but I had on my very warm (and extremely cute) ducky suit.

Most of the animals were asleep, but the zoo was all decorated with tons of lights.

Some of the lights moved and a lot of them showed neat scenes from nature- you'll have to use your imagination because it was hard to take pictures of them all.

Aunty AnnMarie and I made a new friend in the gift shop.

We had a good time- maybe we'll go again next year!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Visitin Santa in Seattle

Last Saturday we went downtown early in the morning to see Santa at Nordstroms- we met up with one of Daddy's cousins and her family who came up from Olympia to see Santa too...

After 3 1/2 hours in line I finally got to sit on Santa's lap- I had been a good girl that whole morning while waitng and I wanted him to know...

I had my own time with Big Red then we got some digital group shots before Bailey and Charley had their turn with Santa..(we won't get the official photos for a few days)

Saturday was also Dad's 34th Birthday, so we all (Grandpa, Grandma, Aunty AnnMarie, and Bailey and Charlie's parents were with us too) had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory..

It was great to spend some time with Aunty Annmarie- who has been gone for a while...

And the Young family - who I don't get to see very often.

All in all it was a fun day and I behaved very well, despite being sorta sick- I'm expecting BIG points from Big Red!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas Tree 2006

Every year since they've been married, mom and dad go out to Snohomish and get their xmas tree and this year I got to start going also, to the...

It's a muddy bunch of hilly fields all covered with different kinds of Christmas trees...

We grabbed a saw and went hiking the hills until we found the perfect tree for us..

Dad cut the tree down all by himself and we dragged it back to the car...

After we payed, they tied it to the top of our car and we took it home..

And here it is - my very first Christmas Tree!

Thanksgiving 2006

Here is a brief look at our Thanksgiving down in Phoenix. I had my first thanksgiving dinner....

though I really just ate the mashed potatoes and gravy, mushed cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipped cream....but they were all gooood!

Especially the pumpkin pie!

Then some of us went swimming in Grandma and Granpa's pool...

I used my new floaty for the first time....

It was a lot of fun. I like swimming...

And Grandma and Grandpa have a cool pool!

Later I got to open up an early Christmas present...peek-a-boo- it was a TMX Elmo!

Some others went swimming later so we sat out by the pool...

Later we played in the living room and Max tried to share my toys...

but cousin Nicholas helped out..

so that cousin Isabella and I had a good time.

During the vacation I kept trying to crawl but I didn't really get it down until I got home later.