Brenna Marian Henning

Born April 20, 2006 at 10:42 pm 10 lbs. 3 oz. 22 inches

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fall Fun

The weather is getting colder, the leaves are falling from the trees, and we are celebrating the Fall...

with our first fire of the season- which makes you nice and toasty - and rather sleepy...

We braved the unseasonably warm weather one Sunday to make Mom's annual tromp into the pumpkin patch...

We had a good time with Barb, Miriam and my friend Sarah....

We went to Craven Farms, which they discovered last year, and had a good time, despite the heat and lack of apple cider...

On Halloween I got dressed up and visited Dad at work, where all of the ladies in his school fawn over me and tell me how cute I am!!! DUH!

That night we took my pumpkin, which I expertly carved, and went to the annual party at Barb's House...

(ok- so mom helped a little)

mom and dad took their cues from me and we dressed as a whole Cow-"person" family....

I was however the star of the family ...

Because, well, i AM the cute one!!!!!!