Brenna Marian Henning

Born April 20, 2006 at 10:42 pm 10 lbs. 3 oz. 22 inches

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

my summer vacation

Our vacation started on the Edmonds Ferry to the Olympic Penninsula

Once there we stopped in Sequim to admire the lavender fields

one of the fields had a duck pond

I got to feed the ducks and play with the very big anchor for the little dingy

I found a great place to sit in their flower garden

we settled down for two nights in the Olympic National Park

just outside of Port Angeles

We spent some time at Hurricane Ridge

hiking in the Northern Olympic mountains

where there were some great views

and some lovely fields of flowers to sit in

After two nights we got back in the car and drove around the penninsula some more skirting the edges of the park

we stopped at Lake Crescent where we found this awesome tree

and did some more hiking to Marymere Falls

We decided to spent the next two nights in the Hoh Rain Forset

We camped right next to a river that was too cold to play in

but had great sand

We continued to hike

and I found many more places to sit

at one point I discovered a native monster of the Hoh

the gigantic spotted Banana Slug

and we stumbled upon this elk during a guided hike- the guide said he was friendly but mom wasn't too sure

Our third stop was on the coast at Twin Harbors state park- it rained a lot and we spent a lot of time in the tent and eating out

but we did see some interesting stuff there

and I had a good time while my coat was in the laundry in town

We decided to foray down the coast into Oregon after Twin Harbors

we were on our way to Grandpa Bills but we had time to stop in Cannon Beach for a while

that beautiful afternoon made up for the last few days of rain and I had a great time playing on the beach

We finally made it to Great Grandpa Bill's and Kody's where we spent a night and had a good time getting clean and sleeping in a real bed

The next day we were off again headed East and we stopped at Multanomah? Falls just outside of Portland

Our last stop of the trip was to see Aunt Joanne and Uncle Murray

We had a good time swimming in their pool

and I spent a little european time playing in the sun

Aunt Jo had a baby all ready for me to love

and an organ with a TON of buttons and lights that I was allowed to play with- in all it was an awesome place!

We were gone for 10 days total and saw a lot. I had a great time camping and getting dirty and loved seeing all the family again. I can't wait for the next vacation!

summer fun

this summer included a lot of fun things...

like hiking with my family...

picnicing at the park...

playing in the lake...

going to the rose garden

and playing in the flowers...

Boating to Roche harbor with mom and dad...

where they have beautiful gardens

and a cool sculpture park that's fun to play in.

I went camping at EUROSO (ask daddy what that it)

it rained alot but there were a lot of cool toys to play with

and other kids there around my age

I spent many hours at the local wading pools...

this one is in Green Lake...

and met a lot of kids and their toys.

I tried some new foods...

like Ravioli...

and OREO's

and experimented with fashion- ie rubber pants on my head.

All in all I've had some great time this summer and there is more to come!